Pioneer Run 2008
This is part of the ride where we saw a few old bikes. A lot of them broken down. I was on my MZ ETZ 250 with a combination (so no filtering) and 2 other bikes behind me.
This is part of the ride where we saw a few old bikes. A lot of them broken down. I was on my MZ ETZ 250 with a combination (so no filtering) and 2 other bikes behind me.
Siedemdziesiąta edycja rajdu zabytkowych motocykli “Pioneer Run” przyciągnęła wielu entuzjastów leciwych jednośladów. W paradzie, której trasa przebiegała z Londynu do Brighton mogły wziąć udział jedynie maszyny wyprodukowane przed 1. stycznia 1915
Pioneer Run 2009 Video Rating: 0 / 5
Pioneer Run, Brighton, March 2008
70th Pioneer Run for Veteran Motorcycles