NC 209 Classic Motorcycle Ride.mp4
Ten minute video shows one of North Carolina’s least known classic motorcycle rides – NC 209
Ten minute video shows one of North Carolina’s least known classic motorcycle rides – NC 209
This is the Veteran Ride on November 8th 2009. Video Rating: 0 / 5
After a 10 year lay-up, the 1966 350cc single-cylinder Matchless G3 classic motorcycle runs again! 🙂
After a 10 year lay-up, the 1966 350cc single-cylinder Matchless G3 classic motorcycle runs again! 🙂
The annual Barbara Fritchie classic motorcycle race is usually held on July 4th but this year was moved to the 6th. This is an AMA national hot shoe event. For photos see Video Rating: 5 / 5
Indian Scout Norway Veteran Motorcycle Løpet gikk på Jæren, syd for Stavanger. Jæren har en stor variasjon av naturopplevelser. Rutene vi fulgte gav alt, fra synet av de lange strendene på den atlantiske kysten, og følelsen av å utforske ville…
BMW R75/5 20/11/1972 ¨Freedom¨ Μy R75/5 Hi. This is my motorcycle R75/5 restored I am very happy to own this motorcycle. She is very powerful and her street behavior is very good. Video Rating: 4 / 5
Quirky indie presenter/producer, Tatyana Valda Belinda Hill visits the races and interviews riders of Classic Motorcycles at Cadwell Park
Last month our XT500 project was ready for the moment of truth — the great start-up. Rod Gibson refuses to be intimidated by the kick-starter. The scariest bit of any rebuild is that moment where you have no further excuses…
IFA BK350 motorcycle with running engine. Video Rating: 4 / 5